Infrastructure (fixed assets)

Within the complete information system, the EDOPS Document Office operates a total of 13 interconnected modules representing one unit. Each module covers one part of the business of the enterprise, such as managing fixed assets, ie. complete infrastructure. In particular, the emINF (infrastructure) module provides the following features:

Procurement records of fixed assets (machines, vehicles, tools…)
Monitoring the movement of a fixed asset through an company
Records of the use of a fixed asset by a particular employee
Log time (when it comes to machines)
Records of the condition of the fixed asset
Records of expenses related to fixed assets
Notification of current liabilities (eg “vehicle registration expires soon” or “vehicle specific technical inspection should be performed in the next period”)
Depreciation and revaluation calculation
Write-off of fixed assets
Automatically compile reports in accordance with the law and fill in pre-defined forms

In order to be able to keep a precise record of all changes and events in relation to fixed assets, the emINF module contains additional submodules for each activity individually. The emINF module submodules are:

Fixed Assets Codebook

Each asset has its own code in the records

Records are kept by location and location, facility or business unit
Record of the date of acquisition, as well as the date of commissioning of the fixed asset
Recording by quantities and units of work
Write-down records (tax and accounting)
Fixed Asset Analytics (Group and Individual)

Procurement of fixed assets

Invoice-based automatic posting
Automatically generate purchase orders

Depreciation and revaluation records

Automatic generation of financial account
Total tax depreciation with associated forms
Group and individual depreciation
Accounting depreciation
Revaluation by coefficients or by values
Depreciation based on useful life

Records of all fixed assets investments

Depreciation from the moment of investment in fixed assets
Automatic order generation based on purchase invoice
Automatic change in the value of a fixed asset

Track the use and movement of a fixed asset  

Record of reversals and borrowings
Records of the exact running time of each machine per work unit
Based on the employee’s duties, we monitor the location of the fixed asset

Recording additional information

Service records and performance monitoring of fixed assets
Technical data records for insurance purposes

Fixed Assets List

With the help of a barcode reader, the list is automated (the data is sent to the database and the difference between the actual and the bookkeeping balance is automatically calculated)
The list can be done manually or with the help of a bar code reader
Each fixed asset has its own internal bar code

Fixed assets reporting

List of fixed assets by any parameter (by depreciation groups, name, status, location ..)
A quick search of fixed assets by category or manually entered parameters
Fixed Assets Card
Inventory lists, census lists, recapitulations of shortages and surpluses

This is just a brief description of the functionality of the emINF module and its capabilities. The module as such can always be upgraded in terms of adding new functionality to improve the business of the company, as well as more accurate and accurate records and reports.

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